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Application Test
This test is usually performed with 30 subjects of different age (depending on the purposes of the test) with various skin types. Previously, information about the skin type, age, past diseases and medical treatment of the test participants is collected. When participating in the test, any lesions that require pharmacological treatment should not occur. This test is done under the supervision of a dermatologist, however; The results are subjective evaluations given by the subjects to the testable product. Subjects evaluate the usefulness of the cosmetic product and the effects declared by the manufacturer. Qualified persons-volunteers take the tested product and apply it in accordance with the instructions during the period covered by the test. Depending on the type of product being tested and the expected results, the test may take several hours, days or weeks. After the test is completed, the volunteers fill out a questionnaire and state their own impression (effect, smear, absorption, or smell) of the cosmetic product they are applying.
Comparative Application Test
It is carried out similar to the methodology of application testing. Tests two or more products of the same quality on the same group of subjects. The Comparative Application Survey Test is designed to determine the effectiveness of different cosmetic products from the same group in the market or to compare existing products with the new product to be introduced to the market.
Application Test Under Supervison Of An Additional Specialist
In this test, a methodology similar to the application test is used. In addition to the dermatologist, other specialists such as gynecologist, ophthalmologist and allergist, pediatrician family physician, urologist, geriatrician are included in the test when claims related to their branches are raised. Throughout the entire test, the experts confirm that the tested cosmetic product does not have a negative effect on the health of the subjects.
Application Test With Instrumental Test – Courage & Khazaka
The Application Survey Test is completed with a test using the Courage & Khazaka MPA 750 device. The 3 parameters selected by the cosmetic manufacturer are tested and evaluated on a group of 5 subjects. The Courage & Khazaka device is a device that allows the analysis and evaluation of the skin condition by determining the average result of changes in various parameters.
During this test, a 2×2 centimeter area of the face or arm of the subjects is evaluated. Measurements can be made before and after the application of the cosmetic product and within the time specified by the test. The test is concluded by supporting graphical tables and explanations.
Parameters that can be tested: Hydration, TEWL (Skin Water Loss), Lubrication, pH Value, Pigmentation (Redness and hyperpigmentation), Temperature, Flexibility.
Application Test Under Supervison Of An Additional Specialist + Instrument Test Courage&Khazaka
The test is conducted on a group of 5 subjects and aims to analyze the 3 parameters chosen by the cosmetic manufacturer. Besides a dermatologist, another expert participating in the test checks whether the product will have a positive or negative effect on any of the organs or systems other than the skin. This test is complemented by instrumental tests recommended by both physicians.
Instrumental Tests
Instrumental testing using non-destructive surveillance equipment is in addition to application testing and is designed to objectively verify the product’s claims. It is performed on a group of people under controlled conditions and under the guidance of a qualified dermatologist. Instrumental tests are used to measure a number of parameters, examples of which are given below, and depending on the apparatus used, the results can be prepared in the form of graphs, charts, explanations and special photographs.
Testable Parameters:
Skin Moisture Measurement
Skin Water Loss Measurement
Sebum Measurement
Leather PH Measurement
Leather Color Measurement
Skin Redness Measurement
Leather Elasticity Measurement
Skin Wrinkle Measurement
Leather Surface Structure
Leather Pore Determination
Instrumental Tests Using Visiofacequick / Miravex Antera 3D ™ Equipment
The VisioFaceQuick apparatus is a device designed to show the pictorial representation and analysis of the skin. These stacks have photographs taken in macro images before and after the application of the product within certain periods. These images are then evaluated in the software provided with the device. After the tested places or areas are determined, the program compares the default parameters and prepares a report that includes smoothing, wrinkles, pores, color delta T, delta E. Apparatus Miravex Antera 3D ™ is a device for analysis and evaluation of the skin. Results are prepared in 2D and 3D images and by spectral analysis of the skin. The rapid scan shows the color of the skin, its roughness, the depth of the wrinkles and the degree of sun damage. It allows you to see the effects of this process – smoothing, enhanced color after laser treatments, scrubbing, cream. The device measures the concentration of melanin and hemoglobin, which enables to accurately analyze the pigmentation of the skin and examine the length, width and depth of wrinkles. The survey allows you to specify skin redness / erythema, skin color / highlights, amount of pores, skin smoothing, depth and length of wrinkles.