Material safety data sheet (MSDS) represents a document containing detailed information on the properties of harmful substances and mixtures and the safety measures to be taken according to the hazard characteristics of the workplaces in order to protect human health and the environment from the negative effects of harmful substances and mixtures.
Information to be included in safety data sheets
a) Description of the substance / mixture and company / business,
b) Description of the damages,
c) Composition / information on ingredients,
d) First aid measures,
e) Firefighting measures,
f) Accidental release measures,
g) Handling and storage
h) Exposure controls / personal protection,
i) Physical and chemical properties,
j) Stability and reactivity,
k) Toxicological information,
l) Ecological information,
m) Disposal information,
n) Transport information,
o) Regulatory information
p) Other information,
Safety data sheets are prepared in Turkish or English by certified certified persons.
Safety Data Sheet Preparation Service is provided by our professional team with the necessary qualifications.
You can contact us.